A common complaint of modern web apps is the concept of jank; web pages being unresponsive to user input and frame rates being low. Left unmitigated, this problem leads to a poor quality experience for end users of our web applications.
The CSS Paint API is a modern web platform feature to programmatically create images in JavaScript which are rendered to the page when referenced by CSS. You create images using the Canvas API, an API with which you may already be familiar.
The Web Locks API is a new addition to the Web Platform which allows you to execute JavaScript in a lock, a resource which can potentially get shared with other browser tabs. This API is currently available in Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers with no major signals from other browser vendors.
We usually take for granted how efficiently maps convey information like proximity, spatial relations, distance, and geographical context in a compact visual manner across two dimensions. Attempting to translate that to a non-visual medium and navigate interactive elements linearly by keyboard quickly pulls back the curtain on that illusionary ease.
At this months’s FullStack London 2018, SitePen Engineer James Milner presented the talk “Improving User Experience With Web Workers”. Web browsers use single-threaded JavaScript to perform tasks; business logic, layout, reflows, and garbage collection.
At this month’s FullStack London 2018, our CEO, Dylan Schiemann, presented the talk “Choosing a Framework”, based on our Choosing a Framework blog series. Given our long history in web development, we’ve seen JavaScript evolve from an obscure simplistic scripting language to the language of the internet.
For many front-end developers, components have become a central concept in their development workflow. Components provide a robust model for architecting and scaling complex applications, allowing for composition from smaller and simpler encapsulated parts.
Resize Observer allows developers to receive notifications when the size of an element’s content rectangle changes. This helps manage a variety of application layout scenarios including responsive application layout, flexible layouts such as split panes, or dynamic changes in content within an element in a page.
Nest is a scalable framework for building server-side applications. It is authored in TypeScript and relies on the Express framework.
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