The new dgrid is a powerful, but lightweight grid component. It is specifically built to be easily styled with CSS, rather than relying on programmatic properties and changes.

Notice: This post is now several years old and covers early versions of dgrid prior to 1.x. We recommend starting with the dgrid tutorials to leverage dgrid 1.x.

SitePen was in full effect at DojoConf 2011. Not only did we lead up to the conference with our amazing tutorials, we also impressed with our intense knowledge of all things Dojo. In case you missed it, or if you just want to see them again, here are our presentations. Dojo Conf 2011 Keynote- Dylan Schiemann dgrid: Next Generation Dojo Grid- Kris Zyp The Power of Promises- Brian Arnold Better late than never? We think so..

Viewing a collection of data in tabular or list form is one of the central components of many applications. We are working on a new design to fulfill the need for a grid to quickly navigate sets of data with familiar controls for productive user interaction in the new world of mobile, lightweight applications.

As 2008 wraps up, there are a number of announcements and noteworthy items surrounding Dojo, DWR, Persevere, and SitePen services. Dojo was recently updated to version 1.2.3.

NOTE: This post is very out of date. For more up to date information about RESTful JSON in Dojo applications there are a number of more recent tutorials are available, such as the Dojo Store introduction, as well as tutorials demonstrating store-driven grids and trees, among others.
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