Introduction Web Vitals scores can have a huge influence on your search engine rankings and directly impact your user’s experience when visiting your website. Follow our guide to automating Web Vitals checks against your Vercel CI Deployment using GitHub Actions and ensure that you don’t introduce performance issues into your code that could affect your search engine ranking.

TypeScript has become a hugely popular alternative to JavaScript in the frontend web development community. Many engineering teams are convinced it is a critical tool that allows them to write better code faster.

It has been said that all businesses today are IT businesses. They just happen to make their money selling different things.

At SitePen, web application development is the core of what we do. We pride ourselves on our reputation for creating rich web apps that are highly responsive and reliable.

Software development and usage of software-driven products are rapidly evolving subject areas. Healthy competition means crafting applications becomes quicker and cheaper over time.
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