Developing a mobile app is a major accomplishment, but it’s just the first step in a long journey.

Jest is one of the most popular testing frameworks, but it hasn’t really kept up with the growing support for native JavaScript modules (ESM) in the developer community. A fresh install of Jest will simply not work with native modules.

A Content Security Policy (CSP) is an important aspect of securing websites and web applications. CSP is a resource security specification (W3C recommendation) for web browsers.

Are you working with Angular? Have you written hundreds of unit tests and do you feel like it is taking way more time to write the tests than it did to write the application code? Let’s talk about ways to speed up the authoring of those Angular unit tests and get back to doing the fun stuff. Angular components interact with users through the DOM and you want your automated tests to do the same. Here is an example of some test code that clicks a save button.

Your team realizes that testing is valuable. Your team creates tests for already completed features.

Your software development team released an MVP application into production. The application only had a few features and the codebase is far from perfect, but there are big plans for the future! Your team presses on, adding features and your user base continues to grow.

This is part 3 of the Disciplined Engineering series. It is for teams that have an established engineering process with confidence around the quality of their application. This article will help improve your engineering game by identifying the common patterns that will further improve your team’s focus on quality.

This is part 2 of the Disciplined Engineering series. It focuses on improving the confidence of the code produced by your team.

Snapshot testing has become very popular for front end-development over the last few years. The term has almost become synonymous with Jest and React, but it can be used to test more than just components.

There’s an old adage in the software industry – premature optimization is the root of all evil. A corollary to this should be – no optimization is just as bad as premature optimization.

Intern has always taken a different path in the pursuit of flexible automated web app testing. In the early days, Intern leveraged AMD modules when most other testing frameworks were not modular or only supported CommonJS modules, allowing Intern to support modular code in any environment.

Picture lots and lots of dogs wearing vests Now, are you thinking of a Lewis Carroll-esque canine tea party, or a collection of service dogs? If the latter, you may be ready to attend the thankfully-abbreviated California State University: Northridge Assistive Technology Conference (hereafter referred to as CSUN or #CSUNATC18). If you picture an impeccably-dressed doggy social occasion, you would also be ready to attend CSUN.

Intern Recorder is a Chrome extension that can kickstart the process of creating functional tests for Intern. It was initially released in 2015 users of Intern authored test suites as AMD modules.

Intern is a popular JavaScript testing framework with an extensive feature set. While Intern has traditionally been focused on testing applications written in standard JavaScript, it has also had great support for TypeScript.

Automating browsers provide many benefits including faster execution of repetitive tasks, ability to parallelise workloads and improved test coverage for your website. Google recently announced Puppeteer, a new tool to assist with Chrome browser automation.

Intern is an incredibly powerful and feature-rich approach to all types of JavaScript and TypeScript testing. Intern 4 is a major update refactored in TypeScript and with much improved support for modern language features and support for ESM as well as bundlers like webpack.

Unless you have a time machine or a TARDIS, it’s pretty rare to have solid documentation in place before an open source project is released! While we’re getting close to a beta release with the Intern 4 and while we still have a fair amount of documentation and refinements to complete, a number of people have started using Intern 4 to leverage its support for easier testing with modern ES6+ and/or TypeScript features. Intern 4 has many benefits and improvements over Intern 3 and previous approaches to testing.

Test early, test often, and test some more. Why put our heart and soul into our web applications only to be let down because we are not completely testing them.

Since we released Intern in 2013, the state of JavaScript testing has changed substantially. The JavaScript world was a very different place.
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