Join us for our introductory jUMP into Dojo (1 day) or our Dojo Skills (2 days) workshop – or both!- on November 1 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Oh, and when you register by October 14th, you will receive a FREE SitePen Mini-Boost Support plan – a $300 value!
jUMP into Dojo is the best starting point for any developer wanting to learn about Dojo, Ajax and Rich Internet Application development. Attendees will receive a rapid introduction to the capabilities of Dojo as well as the experience in applying them to solve real-world problems.
If you are a developer who wants to learn in depth details to create web applications with Dojo and Dijit, this is the perfect workshop for you. Dojo Skills emphasizes some of the unique advantages Dojo offers in cross-browser charts and user interface widgets through a powerful development model.
What the heck is a Mini-Boost Support Plan?SitePen is on call to rescue you from between that rock and a hard place! Receive invaluable access to our experts and a plethora of web development knowledge including Ajax and the Dojo Toolkit. Your plan will cover 1 week and 1 hour of support time with a support response time of 1 business day. The following browsers are supported: Chrome 5+, Firefox 3.5+, IE 6, 7, 8, and Safari 4+. All support will be handled through our web-based support system. Yes. This can be yours when you sign up for our Minnesota workshops by October 14th.