Linus Ekström of Stockholm-based EPiServer shares his early dgrid experience with SitePen. Here’s what he had to say.
SitePen: How did you learn about dgrid?
EPiServer: The Dojo website and SitePen blogs.
SitePen: Why did you choose dgrid?
EPiServer: The existing DojoX DataGrid was too complex to set up and extend. We wanted grid/list functionality that was tightly connected to the Dojo framework, and dgrid met these requirements.
SitePen: Is dgrid being used to replace another grid?
EPiServer: Yes, the DojoX DataGrid.
SitePen: How does your application use dgrid?
EPiServer: Currently we are using the dgrid for quite simple scenarios like showing lists or tables of items. We change selection of items depending on system state and clicking on an item triggers changes in the system state.
EPiServer using dgrid:
SitePen: Overall, how is your experience with dgrid?
EPiServer: So far it has met our expectations. It’s easy to get started and do simple functionality.
SitePen: What are your future plans for using dgrid?
EPiServer: We are planning to use the on-demand functionality and also to use it as a DnD source. We will probably need sorting as well in some cases.
SitePen: What’s your favorite thing about dgrid?
EPiServer: We like that it’s easy to use. You can add only the features you want instead of using a gigantic grid with all functions built in.
Are you a new or existing user to dgrid? We’d love to hear about your experiences and see how you’ve put dgrid to good use! Contact us and tell us all about your dgrid experience. Maybe you can be the next dgrid user featured in our blog!